Chemistry of d-block elements
Definition of d-block elements
- The elements of periodic table belonging to group 3 to 12 are known as d-Block elements. because in these elements last electron enters in d sub shell or d orbital
- The d -block elements lies in between s- and p-block elements in the long form of periodic table.
Electronic Configuration
Across the 1st
row of the d block (Sc to Zn) each element
has 1 more
electron and 1 more proton
“additional” electron enters the 3d sub-shell
The core
configuration for all the period 4 transition elements is that of Ar
Energy level of Argon
Energy level of Transition metals
Chromium and Copper
Cr and Cu don’t fit the pattern of building
up the 3d sub-shell, why?
In the ground
state electrons are always arranged to give lowest total energy
Electrons are
negatively charged and repel each other
Lower total
energy is obtained with e- singly in orbitals rather than if they
are paired in an orbital
Energies of
3d and 4s orbitals very close together in Period 4
At Cr
energies such that putting one e- into each 3d and 4s orbital gives
lower energy than having 2 e- in the 4s orbital
At Cu
Putting 2 e-
into the 4s orbital would give a higher energy than filling the 3d orbitals
What is a transition metal?
› Transition metals [TM’s] have characteristic
› e.g. coloured compounds, variable oxidation states
› These are due to presence of an inner incomplete d
› Electrons from both inner d sub-shell and outer s
sub-shell can be involved in compound formation
› Not all d block elements have incomplete d sub-shells
› e.g. Zn has e.c. of
[Ar]3d104s2, the Zn2+ ion ([Ar] 3d10)
is not a typical TM ion
› Similarly Sc forms Sc3+ which has the stable
e.c of Ar. Sc3+ has no 3d electrons
› For this reason, a transition metal is defined as
being an element which forms at least one ion with a partially filled sub-shell
of d electrons.
› In period 4 only Ti-Cu are TM’s!
› Note that when d block elements form ions the s
electrons are lost first
How are d - Block Elements
Transition elements different?
- All d block elements are not transition
but all transition elements are dblock
- All d block elements are not transition
because d block elements like
have full d10 configuration in their
state as well as in their common
state.which is not according to
definition of transition elements.
General Properties of the d-Block Elements and Their Trends
Metallic character: All transition elements are metallic in nature, i.e. they have strong metallic bonds. This is because of presence of unpaired electrons. This gives rise to properties like high density, high enthalpies of atomization, and high melting and boiling points
Metallic character: All transition elements are metallic in nature, i.e. they have strong metallic bonds. This is because of presence of unpaired electrons. This gives rise to properties like high density, high enthalpies of atomization, and high melting and boiling points
.Lanthanoid Contraction: The steady decrease in the atomic and ionic
radii of the transition metals as the atomic number increases. This is because
of filling of 4f orbitals before the 5d orbitals. This contraction is size is
quite regular. This is called lanthanoid contraction.
Ionisation enthalpy: There is slight and irregular variation in
ionization energies of transition metals due to irregular variation of atomic
size. The I.E. of 5d transition series is higher than 3d and 4d transition
series because of Lanthanoid Contraction
Oxidation state: Transition metals show variable oxidation states due to
tendency of (n-1)d as well as ns electrons to take part in bond formation.
Magnetic properties: Most of transition metals are paramagnetic in
nature due to presence of unpaired electrons. It increase s from Sc to Cr and
then decreases because number of unpaired and then decrease because number of
unpaired electrons increases from Sc to Cr and then decreases.
Catalytic properties: Most of transition metals are used as catalyst
because of (i) presence of incomplete or empty d – orbitals, (ii) large surface
area, (iii) varuable oxidation state, (iv) ability to form complexes, e.g., Fe,
Ni, V2O3, Pt, Mo, Co and used as catalyst
Formation of coloured compounds: They form coloured ions due to presence of
incompletely filled d – orbitals and unpaired electrons, they can undergo d – d
transition by absorbing colour from visible region and radiating complementary
Color: The complexes of the d-block metal ions are
usually colored, except, very often, those of d0 and d10 metal ions. The colors
are due to:a) electronic transitions of
d-electrons within the d sub-shell. These are known as d→d transitions. d0 and
d10 metal ions do not show these transitions.b) electronic transitions from the metal ion to the ligand (M→L
transitions) or ligand to the metal ion (L→M transitions), which are known as
charge-transfer transitions, and these can occur for d0 to d10 metal ions.c) The ligands themselves may
be colored, and this color may contribute to the color of the complex.
Paramagnetism: When there are unpaired electrons in the d
sub-shell, these will lead to paramagnetism. Thus, in [Cr(H2O)6]3+ the three d
electrons (it is d3) are unpaired. Thus, like the O2 molecule which is
paramagnetic, Cr(III) is paramagnetic. A d10 metal ion (e.g. Zn(II)) has a
filled d sub-shell, and a d0 metal ion (e.g. Ti(IV)) has no d-electrons, so
neither of these can be paramagnetic
.Variable oxidation states: Most d-block metal ions display variable
oxidation states. Thus, for example, Mn displays oxidation states from Mn(-III)
(in [Mn(CO)(NO)3]) through Mn(0) (in [Mn2(CO)10]) to Mn(VII) (in [MnO4]-).
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